Online Learning Resource-ASSISTments

In a previous blog, I did a check-in to see what educators and homeschooling families needed  in regards to online learning. I know some teachers are teaching fully online, hybrid, or fully in person. Since we are dealing with a different learning environment for most, my focus over the next week or so will be to present different online learning resources and tools that can be used to help educators and homeschooling families.

Today’s online learning resource spotlight is ASSISTments. I was able to gather information from the Communications Lead at ASSISTments.

  • ASSISTments is a forever free platform that makes it easy for math teachers to assign online from their curriculum, and assess student progress, in the classroom or remotely. The platform provides immediate feedback to students while work they and actionable data to teachers, ensuring that everyday assignments make an impact and instruction is teacher-paced.
  • Teachers can use data from ASSISTments to focus instructional time on areas where students need the most support, as well as to inform differentiated groups for diverse learners. Since students get multiple attempts and the data is formative, we help teachers reinforce a growth mindset.
  • ASSISTments integrates with a growing number of learning management systems, including Google Classroom and Canvas, and offers a wide library of common curricula (like Illustrative Mathematics and Eureka Math), textbooks, state practice tests and skill-based content.
  • It is a joint project of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and The ASSISTments Foundation, a non-profit formed to support the growth of the platform. They are dedicated to demonstrating their impact on student achievement in diverse contexts with rigorous research. The team and research engine is always studying cutting edge ideas to make our product better (like crowdsourcing student supports and AI) and to support evidence based practice.
  • ASSISTments is 1 of 3 middle school math edtech tools proven to impact student achievement.
  • ASSISTments offers lots of professional learning resources to teachers. In addition to their support team, they run an ongoing webinar series, professional learning communities, a certification program, and have a help center with guides, FAQs and video tutorials for teachers, parents and students. The Teacher Corner on their website is one of the most popular pages and showcases teacher-developed resources, classroom artifacts and teacher voices on the blog, in addition to a Teacher Toolkit of resources that are curated each month according to timely rotating themes. October’s theme is Growth Mindset. All of their professional learning is free for teachers, and they partner with districts for custom trainings.
  • ASSISTments is standards-aligned, and they have a new UI launching this year that will make it even easier for teachers to search and create assignments.
  • They are always interested in growing their content library, and are particularly focused on open educational resources.

Check them out at

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