Back to School

It is that time again…SCHOOL IS NOW BACK IN SESSION

As I sit here and think about everything occurring, I reflect back on my first days of school as a child. Growing up, school was fun to me-the friends, new school clothing, new teachers and classes, and having the opportunity to socialize and be involved in various school activities and events. Every year warranted the same excitement no matter how the previous school year ended. I also reflect back on my first days as a teacher. I have taught in the middle school classroom for 11 years, with 10 of those years at the same school in Texas and one year here in North Carolina. My first days of teaching every year were just as exciting, but on another level.

Teaching is part of my calling, but it is more than teaching students the content area you have mastered learning how to teach from college classes and internships. It is deeper than an 8-4, 9-5, or 7-4 in some cases. Teaching others is part of our daily life-whether you are teaching a young child how to speak their first words or teaching college students preparing for their college exams and entering into the workforce.

Teaching is multidimensional and requires knowledge, patience, discipline, hope, and yes love. It is a field that is not always highly respected. However, with the times that we are in, I believe it surely has received the recognition and appreciation it has always deserved because many teachers, educators, school faculty and staff, and families have persevered and made abrupt changes.

Education continues to develop and offer unique ways of teaching and learning over time. THIS IS one of those times. Although I am no longer in the classroom, I am still within the educational field and understand what teachers are going through, but I also understand what parents and families are going through. It is not an easy change many have accepted such as virtual school, home schooling, and even those students still attending school in the physical classroom. I have always desired to help students learn and develop on many levels in life…it is more than school, yet learning is a big part of development. So, I take on this task of growing myself and going outside of my box of comfort to make a change by sharing my knowledge, experience, guidance, motivation, and encouragement to help fellow educators, parents, and families.

Since school is back in session, let’s get started!

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