The Virtual Doors Are Open

Do you know what today is? It’s my BUSINESS WEBSITE LAUNCH!!!

Welcome to AdaZion Educational Consulting…where you can learn, grow, teach, and inspire!

In 2018, The Most High showed me what to do. It was further supported and reiterated by my husband, family, and friends. It is not easy building a business on top of all other responsibilities! But I can do all things through the Messiah who strengthens me! When He calls you to do a task, you must do it and do it efficiently. The first step is having the will to do it and then actually doing it and building upon it. That is what I’m doing and I’m excited!

I’m excited to help educators, parents/families, and students! I understand what educators and families are going through and I’m here to help.

My website is for you! My resources pertain to early childhood development, K-8 mathematics, other resources such as scripture cards for educators, and more to come. I also have The Math Kingdom, my online math classroom to support student learning on various K-8 math concepts. As I upload videos, they’ll be organized by math concept to help you easily navigate through the videos. Blogging will occur regularly with discussion, sharing information and teaching tips, as well as providing advice based on research that teachers can use in their classrooms. Furthermore, you can join The Kingdom Network for weekly scripture to help you in your daily life.

Again, I’m here to support educators in the classroom and students in their learning and development. So go ahead and subscribe, bookmark my website, and follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

Thank you for your support.

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