Books for Children (EC-Grade 3)

Reading is fundamental. An old saying that has been emphasized not only in speech, but in action with various reading programs and resources made available for children of all ages. Children exposed to conversation and reading at a young age tend to develop their language skills at a faster rate with a larger vocabulary base. But the question becomes, what are the best books for their developing minds?

As an educator and a parent, my focus for my son is about his foundational lifestyle (belief system), his heritage, his purpose along with building his multiple intelligences. I realized it requires a lot of patience, time, and consistency. Also, in developing my preschool curriculum (in the editing phase!), I realized that there are many great books out there that you can read to your children to teach them about almost anything and age-appropriate.

My favorite books (aside from mine haha) are the Priddy books because they focus on the basics: letters, numbers, shapes, colors, etc. and also books related to early math and science exploration. A cute one I recently purchased was “You Are Not Small” by Anna Kang and Baby Einstein Amazing Animals (sounds) by Mark Rader.

What books do you think are best for early childhood (EC) to Grade 3?

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